Open Source Tools
The goal
Questions to David Rotermund
Why is my hard disk / SSD so full?
WinDirStat and QDirStat will help you answering this question.
Digitale Lehre
OBS : Open Broadcaster Software is a tool for video streaming (e.g. recording and switching between sources)
VoiceMeeter : Not “free” (shows ads) but important companion tool for OBS to mange audio streams
FFmpeg : command line tools for manipulation (inclusive conversion of formats) nearly every aspect of MPEG video files
Octave (replacement for Matlab)
MATLAB Programming/Differences between Octave and MATLAB
Overleaf : “The easy to use, online, collaborative LaTeX editor”. You can get the premium version (very important if you want to track the changes) for free via IEEE.
- Create an overleaf account
TeX Live Collection : It is a collection of tools essential for compiling tex files. I suggest to use the DVD for installation otherwise you will grow very old before installation ends.
TeXnicCenter (Windows) : Latex Editor (that prefers MikTex instead of Tex Live)
Kile (Linux): Latex Editor which is provided by many Linux distributions
Ghostscript : (Not Open Source but… ) PostScript interpreter
Ghostview : Viewer that uses Ghostscript
KLatexFormula : Allows to convert individual equations into pdf, ps, jpg, png…
Editors (for source code and such)
VS Code : Well this is not the open source version but there is one which is called vscodium. (Fully Open Source ; Hardcore to learn but religiously defended by its users ) : (Fully Open Source) More then JUST a simple editor!
FileZilla Client : Not really Open Source but essential tool for transferring files via SSH. One of the few tools that can resume a failed transaction.
MobaXterm (Windows) : (not Open Source but kind of “free”) SSH Client with X included
(Open Source alternative for managing citations and bib manager)
Interesting online services
DeepL : Online translation
DeepL Write : Online text optimization
Wolfram Alpha : Helps with math and other scientific questions
The source code is Open Source and can be found on GitHub.